Anyone who is a frequent user of Etsy is starting to notice the controversial changes to our beloved site that is moving us from a respected selling venue to a new version of Facebook. Don't get me wrong, I still love Etsy, but at the same time, they are making me nervous. Sales have been way down, the site is getting less attractive to buyers only and the dependence on other sellers for sales is getting hard to handle. I have to spend too much time on the forums- I mean on the teams- to figure out what the heck is going on with changes to the site, blah blah blah. It takes up too much time fighting to get people to MY shop, to stay on MY pages, to view MY items and to buy from ME because there are circles and networks and teams and lions and tigers and bears, OH MY! It just makes my head hurt some days. So I am going to test out Artfire and see how it goes. I am going to start out basic, list the same items in my Etsy shop and see how things go. IF things pick up, then perhaps I will switch over to the pro program and ditch Etsy. I hate to do it because I spent all that time promoting my Etsy site, but I will if it comes down to it.
Things are rough around the edges right now, but feel free to stop by and check it out! And don't be afraid to leave some feedback/thoughts/ideas:
LiveDreamCreate2 Artisan Studio ArtFire Buy & Sell Handmade